Indy 9
Unit: IdCoderHeader
Encodes a message header that contains non-US-ASCII characters.
function EncodeHeader(const Header: string; specials: CSET; const HeaderEncoding: Char; TransferHeader: TTransfer; MimeCharSet: string): string;
const Header: string
Message header to be encoded.

specials = Special charcters that require quoting.

const HeaderEncoding: Char
Content encoding for the message header.
TransferHeader: TTransfer
Transfer encoding for the message header.
MimeCharSet: string
MIME character set for the message header.
Return Value
String - Value of the encoded message header.
EncodeHeader is a String function that encodes a message header containing non-US-ASCII characters using the content encoding, transfer encoding, and character set specified in the input parameters.

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