Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdPOP3Server
Represents the event type triggered for authenticating a POP3 client connection.
TIdPOP3ServerLogin = procedure (AThread :TIdPeerThread; LThread : TIdPOP3ServerThread) of object;
Client connection for the command handler event.
POP3 server thread for the client connection.
TIdPOP3ServerLogin is an event type triggered to allow authentication of a client connection to the POP3 server from the command handler for the POP3 PASS command.

AThread is the thread for the client connection provided by the command handler. LThread is AThread cast to a TIdPOP3ServerThread to allow acces to the Username, Password, and State for the POP3 client connection.

TIdPOP3ServerLogin allows the server to perform identification and authentication using properties in LThread. TIdPOP3ServerLogin is the type signalled to the CheckUser event handler in the server implementation.

Note: The event handler is responsible for setting the value for the TIdPOP3ServerThread.State property.

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