Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdFTP
Event signalled when an FTP account logins in using the client connection.
TOnAfterClientLogin = TNotifyEvent;
TOnAfterClientLogin is a TNotifyEvent event type signalled when an FTP client opens a connection to the FTP server using TIdFTP.Login. TOnAfterClientLogin is the event signalled to the TIdFTP.OnAfterClientLogin event handler from TIdFTP.Connect.

The TOnAfterClientLogin event handler is signalled when using automatic login for the account information defined in TIdFTP.Username and TIdFTP.Password.

Applications must assign a procedure to the event handler to allow responding to the event notification.

Created with Doc-O-Matic 2 donated to Project JEDI. Commercial license available from the Doc-O-Matic site.