Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdStrings
Loads delimited strings into a TStrings instance.
procedure SplitColumnsNoTrim(const AData: String; AStrings: TStrings; const ADelim: String = ' ');
const AData: String
Values to bhe parsed into lines in the TStrings instance.
AStrings: TStrings
TStrings to contains the separated tokens from AData.
const ADelim: String = ' '
Delimiter character for separating lines in AData. Default value is CHAR32.
SplitColumnsNoTrim is a utility procedure that loads values from AData into the string instance AStrings. Values in AData are separated at the delimiter character ADelim, and stored as individual lines in the TStrings instance.

SplitColumnsNoTrim will clear the contents of AStrings prior to separating AData into lines. As lines are are located in AData, the TStrings.AddObject method is called to add the string value and a pointer to the integer position for the string value to the AStrings instance. SplitColumnsNoTrim is like SplitColumns except that whitespace characters are NOT removed from the parsed values prior to being added to the TStrings instance in AStrings.

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