Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdFTPList
This event type is triggered if custom FTP parsing is desired.
TIdOnParseCustomListFormat = procedure (AItem: TIdFTPListItem) of object;
Contains the raw data and parsed property values for the directory item.
The object that triggered the event
TIdOnParseCustomListFormat is an event type triggered when custom parsing is desired for FTP directory listing items. TIdOnParseCustomListFormat is the type used to represent the TIdFTPListItems.OnParseCustomListFormat property, and allows specification of the procedure used to create a structured directory listing from the results of the FTP LIST command.

TIdOnParseCustomListFormat is used when TIdFTPListItems.Parse is used to parse a directory item when TIdFTPListItems.ListFormat contains the value flfCustom.

AItem is a TIdFTPListItem argument that contains both the raw data for the item, and the property values for the item after the custom parsing routine has been completed.

Application must assign a procedure to an event handler to allow responsing to the event notification. THe procedure should use the values in TIdFTPListItem.Data to extract the property values for AItem from the unknown FTP listing format.

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