Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdPOP3Server
Event type triggered from command handlers that use message numbers.
TIdPOP3ServerMessageNumberEvent = procedure (ASender: TIdCommand; AMessageNum :Integer) of object;
Message number to be affected in the mailbox.
Command handler procedure generating the event.
TIdPOP3ServerMessageNumberEvent is an event type triggered when a command handler for the server executes a POP3 command that acts upon the message numbers. TIdPOP3ServerMessageNumberEvent is the type used to represent TIdPOP3Server event handlers like:

  • OnLIST

  • OnRETR

  • OnDELE

  • OnUIDL

POP3 commands that trigger a TIdPOP3ServerMessageNumberEvent event are only valid when the TIdPOP3ServerState is Tran. In some situations, AMessageNum is an optional POP3 command parameter, and can contain -1 when a value isn't specified by the client connection. Some functions require this capability. For example, the LIST command can operate either by a certain message number or a with no arguments. See RFC1939 for details.

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