Indy 9
Unit: IdComponent
Represents a connection status event for the component.
TIdStatusEvent = procedure (ASender: TObject; const AStatus: TIdStatus; const AStatusText: string) of object;
Format arguments used to construct the current status text message.
The current connection status.
TIdStatusEvent is an event type triggered during a change in the connection status for the component. TIdStatusEvent is triggered by the DoStatus method.

axStatus is the TIdStatus value for the current connection, and can contain one of the following values:

  • hsResolving - A host name is being resolved for an IP address

  • hsConnecting - A connection is being opened

  • hsConnected - A connection has been made

  • hsDisconnecting - The connection is being closed

  • hsDisconnected - The connection has been closed

  • hsText - The connection has generated an informational message

axStatusText is the suggested text for displaying the component connection status.

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