Indy 9
Unit: IdSSLOpenSSL
Represents an unsigned long integer value.
TULong = packed record
  case Byte of
    0: (B1: Byte;
        B2: Byte;
        B3: Byte;
        B4: Byte;);
    1: (W1: Word;
        W2: Word;);
    2: (L1: Longint;);
    3: (C1: Cardinal;);
B1: Byte;
B1 is a member variable.
B2: Byte;
B2 is a member variable.
B3: Byte;
B3 is a member variable.
B4: Byte;
B4 is a member variable.
W1: Word;
W1 is a member variable.
W2: Word;
W2 is a member variable.
L1: Longint;
L1 is a member variable.
C1: Cardinal;
C1 is a member variable.
TULong is a variant record type that provides access to differing representations of an unsigned long Integer value.

B1,B2,B3,B4 are the individual Byte values for the unsigned long integer value.

W1,W2 are the individual Word values for the unsigned long integer value.

L1 is the LongInt value for the unsigned long integer value.

C1 is the Cardinal value for the unsigned long integer value.

Created with Doc-O-Matic 2 donated to Project JEDI. Commercial license available from the Doc-O-Matic site.