Indy 9
Hierarchy, Properties, Methods, Events, See Also, Unit: IdRSH
This class implements Unix Remote Shell (RSH) as a client.
TIdRSH = class(TIdRemoteCMDClient)
This class implements Unix Remote Shell (RSH) as a client. The RSH protocol is sometimes used to run tasks from remote locations without having to send passwords to a remote system. This protocol was originally intended as a temporary "hack" in some older Berkeley Unix Distributions that came into wide usage.

Note that this protocol can pose a security hazard on the Internet as it only uses user ID's which are sent in plain-text, IP Addresses that are used as part of the server authentication can be falsified, a port number restriction can easily be overcome by using a single-user operating system or by someone with administrative privileges on a multi-user operating system, and this protocol is not compatible with some firewall-proxy configurations.

To use this component:

TIdRSH, See Also
This property is the user's current name on their machine.
property ClientUserName: String;
This property is the user's current name on their machine that will be sent to the RSH Deamon for authentication along with the TIdRSH.HostUserName whenever the TIdRSH.Execute method is called. For Windows RSH Clients, this is usually set with the value obtained with the GetUserName Win32 API function.

TIdRSH, See Also
User ID on the remote host.
property HostUserName: String;
HostUserName is the uUser ID on the remote host. HostUserName is sent along with the local user name (IdRSH.ClientUserName) for authentication when the TIdRSH.Execute method is called.

TIdRSH, See Also
Port number for the RSH client connection.
property Port: integer;
Port is an Integer property that identifies the Port number for the RSH client connection. The default value for Port is IdPORT_cmd (514), as assigned in the constructor for the object instance.

Indicates that connections are restricted to a fixed range of port numbers.
property UseReservedPorts: Boolean;
UseReservedPorts is a Boolean property that indicates if the RSH client is required to use a fixed range of reserved port numbers for connections to the RDH daemon. The default value for UseReservedPorts is IDRemoteFixPort, as assigned in the Create constructor.

TIdRSH, See Also
Instantiates a TIdRSH instance.
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
AOwner: TComponent
Owner of the object instance.
Create constructs a properly initialized instance of TIdRSH using the inherited Create constructor, and initializes Port to the constant value IdPORT_cmd (Decimal 514) as required by the RSH Protocol.

TIdRSH, See Also
This method executes a command (ACommand) on the RSH Deamon.
function Execute(ACommand: String): String; override;
ACommand: String
The command to execute on the remote system.
Return Value
String - The results from the command that was executed or no value if an error occurred.
This method authenticates to the RSH Deamon with the TIdRSH.ClientUserName and the TIdRSH.HostUserName and than executes a command (ACommand) on the RSH Deamon. This is only intended for non-interactive processes where the no input is expected from the user.

If an error occurred, TIdRemoteCMD.ErrorReply is set to true and the TIdRemoteCMD.ErrorMessage contains the message returned from the RSH Deamon. The inherited TIdRemoteCMDClient.UseStdError property effects how error messages are sent from the RSH Deamon.

Created with Doc-O-Matic 2 donated to Project JEDI. Commercial license available from the Doc-O-Matic site.