Indy 9
Hierarchy, Properties, Methods, Events, See Also, Unit: IdTCPClient
Implement a TCP Client.
TIdTCPClient = class(TIdTCPConnection)
TIdTCPClient encapsulates a complete TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) client including socks support. TIdTCPClient can be used for as an ancestor class for specific protocol implementations. Many Indy client components, such as TIdDayTime, TIdEcho, TIdFinger, TIdFTP, TIdGopher, TIdHTTP, TIdNNTP, TIdPOP3, TIdQUOTD, TIdSMTP, TIdTelnet, and TIdWhois are TIdTCPClient descendants.

TIdTCPClient, See Also
Specifies the IP address to use for the client.
property BoundIP: string;
BoundIP is a String property that specifies the local IP address to be used for the client connection. BoundIP is used in Connect to indicate the bound IP address for the IOHandlerSocket.ConnectClient method.

TIdTCPClient, See Also
Indicates the preferred port number for the local connection.
property BoundPort: Integer;
BoundPort is an Integer property that specifies the local port number to be used for the client connection. BoundPort is used in Connect to indicate the preferred port number for the IOHandlerSocket.ConnectClient method. BoundPortMin and BoundPortMax indicate the range of port numbers available for selection when BoundPort contains the default value BoundPortDefault.

TIdTCPClient, See Also
Indicates the highest port number for the local connection when using default port assignment.
property BoundPortMax: Integer;
BoundPortMax is an Integer property that specifies the highest local port number to be used for the client connection when using default port assignment. BoundPortMax is used in Connect to indicate the upper range for BoundPort in the IOHandlerSocket.ConnectClient method. Use BoundPortMin to indicate the lower range of port numbers available for selection when BoundPort contains the default value BoundPortDefault.

TIdTCPClient, See Also
Indicates the lowest port number for the local connection when using default port assignment.
property BoundPortMin: Integer;
BoundPortMin is an Integer property that specifies the lowest local port number to be used for the client connection when using default port assignment. BoundPortMin is used in Connect to indicate the lower range for BoundPort in the IOHandlerSocket.ConnectClient method. Use BoundPortMax to indicate the upper range of port numbers available for selection when BoundPort contains the default value BoundPortDefault.

Address of the remote computer system.
property Host: string;
Host is a String property that identifies the address of the remote computer system that will act as the endpoint for the client connection. The address can be a computer name such as "" or an IP Address such as "". To Connect to a server on your machine, use an IP address like "" aka "localhost".

TIdTCPClient, See Also
Event handler signalled on a successful connection request.
property OnConnected: TNotifyEvent;
OnConnected is a TNotifyEvent event handler used to triggerd an event notification that the client connection has been established opened in Connect. OnConnected is signalled after the IOHandler has been assigned and/or opened using the values indicated in the Host, Port, BoundIP, BoundPort, BoundPortMin, and BoundPortMax properties. OnConnected also occurs after the optional handler in Intercept has been activated for the connection.

Applications must assign a procedure to the event handler to allow responding to the event notification.

Port number used for the server connection.
property Port: integer;
Port is an Integer property that identifies the server port number server used for the client connection. By convention, some internet protocols reserve port number including:

  • 21 - FTP

  • 25 - SMTP

  • 80 - HTTP

  • 119 - NNTP

A client application may define it's own port to connect to a server running the same port.

TIdTCPClient, See Also
Opens the connection for the client.
procedure Connect(const ATimeout: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault); virtual;
Connect is a procedure that attempts to open the client connection to a server. Connect requires a host name (address) in Host and the port number in Port to establish a connection. Many protocol implementations override this method to provide special initialization sequences required by the protocol.

A client connection will be established using the IOHandler for the connection with BoundIP and BoundPort as the local IP address and port number for the client. An EIdAlreadyConnected exception will be raised if the IOHandler has already established a connection for the client. The IOHandler is used to default local port number assignment when BoundPort contains the value BoundPortDefault. The IOHandler also uses SocksInfo and the timeout value in ATimeout when opening the connection.

If an exception is raised in the method, Connect calls DisconnectSocket prior to re-raising the exception.

TIdTCPClient, See Also
Opens a connection and reads all data.
function ConnectAndGetAll: string; virtual;
Return Value
String - Values read from the connection.
ConnectAndGetAll is a String function that opens a connection to the server specified by Host using the port number specified by Port. ConnectAndGetAll reads data from the connection until disconnected by the server.

Make sure that the protocol you are using behaves in this manner before using ConnectAndGetAll. Quote of the Day and DayTime are examples of protocols where ConnectAndGetAll is supported.

TIdTCPClient, See Also
Constructor for the object instance.
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
AOwner: TComponent
Owner of the object instance.
Create is the constructor for TIdTCPClient, and relies on the inherited Create method in TIdTCPConnection. Create allocates the TIdSocksInfo instance used in the SocksInfo property, and sets BoundPort to the default value BoundPortDefault.

TIdTCPClient, See Also
Frees the object instance.
destructor Destroy; override;
Destroy is the destructor for object instance. Destroy is responsible for freeing resources allocates in the Create constructor prior to calling the inherited Destroy method.

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