Indy 9
Hierarchy, Properties, Methods, See Also, Unit: IdAuthentication
Implements the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme.
TIdBasicAuthentication = class(TIdAuthentication)
TIdBasicAuthentication is a TIdAuthentication descendant that implements the specifics of the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme, as described in the Internet Standards document:

TIdBasicAuthentication is based on the model where a client must authenticate for each unique Realm on a server. TIdBasicAuthentication is used in response to a challenge header in the form:

      WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="URISpace"

To receive authorization, the client sends the Username and Password, separated by a single colon (":") character, within a base64 encoded string in the Authentiction credentials. Username might be case sensitive.

TIdBasicAuthentication, See Also
Identifies the proptection space for the authentication scheme.
property Realm: String;
Realm is a String property that identifies the protection space being accessed that has its own authentication scheme and/or authorization database. Realm is assigned by the origin server as a parameter in the WWW-Authenticate challenge header stored in authentication parameters.

TIdBasicAuthentication, See Also
Creates the authorization scheme and credentials for the authentication class.
function Authentication: String; override;
Return Value
String - Scheme and Base64-encoded credentials for the process.
Authentication is an overriden String function that implements creation of the authorization credentials for the Basic Authentication scheme, and returned as a Base64-encoded string. Authentication normally returns a value in the form:

      Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

TIdBasicAuthentication, See Also
Constructor for the object instance.
constructor Create; override;
Create is the constructor for the object instance. Create calls the inherited Create method. Create also assigns the default value for the internal property used to maintain the current step in the authentication process.

Indicates that Keep-Alive signals are supported for the authentication mechanism.
function KeepAlive: Boolean; override;
KeepAlive is an Boolean function that specifies the function used to indicate if the authentication mechanism supports use of the KEEP-ALIVE header. When KeepAlive is True, the authentication mechanism allows use of the header to prevent loss of a connection during authentication processing.

Clears the number of retries for the authentication mechanism.
procedure Reset; override;
Reset is a procedure that clears the number of retry attempts performed using the authentication mechanism. Reset sets the value of the internal status flag to 0 indicating that no authentication has been performed.

Created with Doc-O-Matic 2 donated to Project JEDI. Commercial license available from the Doc-O-Matic site.