Indy 9
Hierarchy, Properties, Methods, Events, See Also, Unit: IdMappedPortTCP
Implements an ancestor class for a multi-threaded port-based proxy server.
TIdCustomMappedTelnet = class(TIdMappedPortTCP)
TIdCustomMappedTelnet is a TIdMappedPortTCP descendant that implements the ancestor class for a multi-threaded port-based proxy server. TIdCustomMappedTelnet exposes properties used during execution of proxied connections to a remote host, like DefaultPort, MappedPort, and AllowedConnectAttempts.

Applications should create instances of TIdMappedTelnet, which publishes properties for access in the object inspector.

TIdCustomMappedTelnet, See Also
Number of connections permitted to the port-based proxy server.
property AllowedConnectAttempts: Integer;
AllowedConnectAttempts is a public Integer property that indicates the number of connection allowed to the port-based proxy. The default value for AllowedConnectAttempts is -1 as assigned in the Create constructor. Changing the value in AllowedConnectAttempts insures that the new property value is no less than -1. -1 indicates that an unlimited number of connections are permitted for the port proxy. 0 indicates that no connections are allowed.

AllowedConnectAttempts is used when creating outbound connections for the local client to the port-based proxy server.

TIdCustomMappedTelnet, See Also
Port number for listener threads created for the port-based proxy server.
property DefaultPort: integer;
DefaultPort is a read-ony Integer property in TIdCustomMappedTelnet that indicates the port number assigned to listener threads for the port-based proxy server. The default value for DefaultPort is IdPORT_TELNET, as assigned in the Create constructor.

Port number for proxied connections to a remote host.
property MappedPort: Integer;
MappedPort is an Integer property that indicates the port number to use for threaded proxy connections to a remote host. MappedPort is used when establishing the outbound connection to a remote host for the port-based proxy server.

TIdCustomMappedTelnet, See Also
Constructor for the object instance.
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
AOwner: TComponent
Owner of the object instance.
Create is the constructor for the object instance. Create calls the inherited Create method using AOwner as the owner of the object instance.

Create sets the default value for the AllowedConnectAttempts property to -1, indicating that unlimited connections are allowed. Create sets the value in DefaultPort and MapperPort to IdPORT_TELNET.

Create also assigns TIdMappedTelnetThread as the ThreadClass for threaded client connections to the proxy.

TIdCustomMappedTelnet, See Also
Event handler signalled to verify the host and port for the proxied connection.
property OnCheckHostPort: TIdMappedTelnetCheckHostPort;
OnCheckHostPort is a TIdMappedTelnetCheckHostPort property that represents the event handler signalled when during execution of a threaded connection to a port-based TELNET proxy connection. OnCheckHostPort is used to verify the Host Address and Port number extracted from a TELNET connection line, and to connect the local client to a remote host.

OnCheckHostPort is called when extracting the host and port number form the TELNET connection string for the executing thread.

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